• Dateline NBC recently did a series called “My Kids Would Never Do That” including one episode on gun safety. This was a non-biased video on setting your kids up for success in not having an incident involving playing with firearms.


    If you are a parent (or grandparent) of young kids or teens, then you owe it to them to spend the 40 minutes watching the free episode.


    Those who have trained with me in courses that cover access prevention, know how strongly I feel on the topic. As gun owners, we have a responsibility to prevent access to those which have not been trained or cannot be trusted with firearms.


    Although educating kids does not prevent access, proper education and exposure play a huge role in preventing incidents. Training which only incorporates telling your children not to touch something because it is dangerous is not enough nor is it training. What it does do is mystify the object making it more appealing. What if someone placed a box on your desk this morning that included a note saying you’re not allowed to open it, ever. Most would probably choose not to open it, but it would be a constant thought eating at you every time you sat at your desk looking at it. Children have not developed the control needed to not give in to their curiosity.


    Role playing to increase the odds of the kids actually not touching or playing with the firearm is covered in the video. The featured doctor’s research shows that repeated training, role playing and testing are all required for to increase chances of success.


    It isn’t covered in the video, but I believe repeated exposure and handling of firearms in a controlled setting is one of the better methods when incorporated with the above. Kids have to be allowed to explore the curiosity that we create by teaching them to stay away.


    Watch the video, let me know your thoughts and look for a safety course geared to parents and kids from Bearco Training in the future.


    Here are a few more words I wrote on the topic a couple years ago for Personal Defense Network.


    For More Information About Gun safety training, Shooting classes, CCW classes, Home defense, Concealed carry training

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  • While pretty much all food labels nowadays display the calorie content of a product, calories alone are not an optimum nutrition criterion. Few calorie counter apps or any calorie intake calculator will address this.  And, contrary to popular belief, calories are not equal. Some are clever!  Your Food Cleverness will tell you that.


    Health professionals fail to agree regarding weight loss and nutrition in general. If their recommendations had been actually effective, we would have eradicated obesity long ago. Unfortunately, this is not the case, largely because of the plethora of nutritional lies and myths spread by the media, government, traditional medicine and advertising. The most widespread of these lies, and the most pernicious is the idea that all calories have the same value.


    But what is exactly a Calorie?


    The calorie are a simple unit to measure food energy not nutrition. Some foods contain only sugars, only fats, protein or a mix of the three. Depending on their quality, calories from these foods will also have a different effect on our metabolism.


    The term “calorie” was invented back in the 19th century by Wilbur Olin Atwater. This chemist amused himself by incinerating foods and measuring their calorific value (the heat generated by these foods during combustion.)


    So, calories may be a very good measure to assess with what you get warm in winter! For nutrition, it’s a whole another story!


    What does Isaac Newton have to do With Calories?


    The obsolete concept of “equal calories” draws on the work of Isaac Newton on thermodynamics, according to which the energy of an isolated system is constant. That is to say, theoretically speaking 1 kcal of vegetables and 1 kcal of high-sugar beverages have the same value, and as such relying just on calories instead of utilizing the best foods for losing weight and healthy living is not using your Food IQ.


    Newton’s principle is not wrong; it just does not apply to complex living systems. When we ingest food, they interact directly with our body’s complex biological system that will take care of transforming them. Thus, we cannot speak of this as an isolated system, especially where it comes to working out a diet plan for women or men.


    Tracking Calories Alone Doesn’t Help With Weight Loss:


    In theory, it is enough to simply know our energy needs (calories), and buy all our favorite foods only ensuring that their caloric value does not exceed our daily needs (which any calorie counting app can help with). Just look at the caloric value in a food label, not to exceed the recommended daily dose for your weight, size, and activity, and voila! But then, this nutritional simplification masks a far more complex reality. This concept brings a lot more problems, excesses and bad habits than it provides solutions.


    Tracking calories alone is not enough to maintain or lose weight. 100 calories of green beans isn’t worth the same as 100 calories of butter or 100 calories of yogurt! The internal structure of different foods (their nutrient composition) is more important than their caloric value. It’s thus more crucial to keep track of macronutrients than it is simple numbers of calories.


    You may say: that’s daunting, now I have to track macronutrients also!


    If you’re already tracking the number of calories you intake on a daily basis and struggling to drop those extra pounds, you may think that adding macronutrients to the equation would make it even harder.


    That’s right! But here comes the Clever Calories concept into play by using Food Intelligence! Instead of calculating and tracking calories, and then macronutrients, the hassle-free Clever Calories Index lets you achieve your goals by keeping track of Clever Calories only, making this new approach to lose weight the best calorie tracker of all!


    Fiber makes calories cleverer: The presence of fiber creates a barrier to digestion, and therefore to the release of the maximum energy. Dietary fiber play two key roles: they shorten transit time of foods in the guts; and limit the enzymatic digestion of starch. Result: the digestion of whole bread provides less energy than white bread, and the undigested fraction will nourish the intestinal flora.


    Proteins make calories cleverer: Proteins are essential to humans because our bodies cannot synthesize them from other nutrients. Aside from its appetite suppressant effect, foods rich in proteins require high energy expenditure to be digested and processed by your body. Result: the amount of clever calories derived from protein is less than equivalent ones, i.e., you end up digesting fewer calories.


    Proteins and Fiber make calories cleverer: you intake fewer calories than the equivalent calories on the food label. What about other macronutrients?


    Unlike proteins and fiber, saturated fats, sugar, and to a lesser degree carbs, would diminish the cleverness of the calories.


    Carbohydrates: They produce the energy needed for our bodies and allow the brain to function as well. On the Calorie Cleverness scale, carbs come halfway between proteins and fiber on one side and saturated fats and simple sugars from the other.


    Sugar: Right after we ingest sugar, our intestines absorb it extremely quickly. As a result, sugar levels in the blood increase and with it, insulin levels. Calories contained in drinks such as sodas are called ‘empty calories’ for a reason.  It is because beyond providing energy they are devoid of any nutritional value. They add up to the overall calories count without benefit: Sugar makes calories less clever!


    Saturated fats: Beware of hidden fat! Nowadays, saturated fats are hidden in many products, and it’s hard to identify them even by reading the compositions on labels

    They provide taste, softness, or crunchiness, responding to a pure a commercial need and not to nutritional value. Providing 9 kcal per gram, they make calories you consume pile up and like sugar, make you eat a lot more. Saturated fats make calories less clever!




    This comparison between different macronutrients shows clearly that not all calories are equal and that the same number of calories from different types of foods is likely to have very different biological effects.  This makes using regular weight loss apps and any typical calorie intake calculator ineffective.


    Some calories are clever, others not so much. Some can be addictive, restorative, metabolism-boosters, or fat gainers. Each and every food we ingest contains specific information that is transmitted to our bodies, and will then trigger positive (clever) or negative reactions.


    For More Information About The best weight loss app, Food IQ, Food Intelligence, Food Intelligence Quotient, Calorie intake calculator, Best calorie tracker

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  • Nadiya, a language teacher, medical interpreter and psychologist from Germany was practicing Yoga and Internal Martial Arts more than 10 years. She uses positive energy of natural movements flow to generate new ideas, overcome difficulties and find positive ways of communication and teaching in a professional life. In this article she shares with us her own experience, general ideas, and famous scientific resources concerning the effects of practicing Internal Martial Arts.


    The term “Internal Training”, is referring to a type of training that focuses on developing our life energy called “Qi”.


    We come across “life energy” in every great, ancient civilization of the world: “Chi” (Chinese), “Prana” (Hindu). Different cultures describe this phenomenon with different terminology, but the meaning is always the same. It is an invisible fluid of spiritual nature, streaming through your body “meridians”, “chakras” or organs. Archaeologists find mentions of “life energy-Prana” in scripts written in Sanskrit mid-2nd millennium BCE. One more great script, where we find the term “Chi” is an ancient Chinese medical text of Yellow Emperor – a fundamental document for Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), written for more than two millennia.


    So what is “life energy”- a widespread ancient superstition, or a “way to immortality” as Taoist monks traditionally used to think? To answer this question we travel from ancient India and China into the modern Europe and come across technological and scientific devices to prove the existence of “Chi”.


    Nowadays, researchers and scientist are able to prove the reality of the “Chi” existence, using special modern technical innovations such as Electro-Dermal Screening or ”MSA” (Meridian Stress Assessment), developed in 1940’s, by a famous German medical doctor and engineer, Dr. Reinhard Voll. This method does not only prove the existence of the “Chi” phenomenon, but even more, it offers a possibility to balance health disorders, influencing the flow of “CHI”. In fact, there are many medical and non medical technologies developed to work with “Chi” but MSA is the most famous example in Europe.


    Albert Einstein said very famous words: “Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics”. If Einstein was right, our thoughts create our reality, but our thoughts are nothing else, but the energy – “Chi”. Maybe Tai Chi makes it possible to influence once life in a positive way, to “create” the own reality.


    Everyone experiences really strong wishes and desires, and some of them, being focused in the right time have a great change to come true.


    Qi Gong, Tai Chi and Meditation are a good ways to develop strong “Chi” and learn to balance and concentrate it.


    So what does it mean for us – non scientists, people, who would like to leave a healthy and a long life? Maybe cultivating “life energy” practicing “internal” martial arts can offer an alternative way to a modern stem cell research and a genetic engineering? Well, it would be definitely cheaper, at least. It seems to be possible if we look at 90 year old Shaolin monks, who are able to run a marathon. Most of them just practice Tai Chi, Qi Gong and Meditation every day.


    But everything is not so easy! The real problem is a subtle nature of “Qi”, so that most people find it really difficult to feel how “Qi” flows inside their bodies and “meridians”. Our modern lifestyle, which puts an enormous pressure on the nervous system, causes “stiffens” of our feelings. So we can not feel higher vibrations of “Chi”. We miss the “unit with the mother – nature” and natural flow of movements does not work properly. So “Tai Chi or Kung Fu retreat” in the natural environment of Tianmeng Shaolin Kung Fu Academy could be a great possibility to “come back to the roots”.


    If the mind becomes less distracted and less stressed, it would allow the body to relax, giving you a possibility to feel deeply and completely. That’s why Tianmeng Shaolin Kung Fu Academy pays so much attention to internal martial arts practicing, Qigong (life-energy cultivation practices). Qigong and Tai Chi are the best ways of practicing for beginners and older people. It is important to develop the internal power before learning any fighting applications or Kung Fu forms. Additionally, we offer Meditation to balance your emotions.


    For those practitioners who are willing to train only Kung Fu – Tai Chi and Chi Gong give possibility to relax and regenerate.


    A relaxed body “works” better and is less prone to injuries. So, integrating “internal” rounder and softer movements in the daily practicing routine of every “external” martial artists is a smart idea to achieve best results.


    Bruce Lee describes “internal” martial arts as follow. “Moving, be like water. Still, be like a mirror. Respond like an echo.”

    For More Information About  Kung fu and martial arts academy, Study martial arts in China, Martial arts training China, Shaolin school, Martial arts club

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